Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fast Over - Family Sick - Fun long weekend

So my thoughts on the Juice Fast.   Not bad!  I know my wife didn't mind the juice but hated being hungry at night.  She did have to eat some food because we have all been sick at home and she had a prescription to take that required food.   I honestly don't think the fast was all that bad.  My daughter kept asking if i was hungry or wanted to share some of her food and I wasn't hungry at all.  

I am thankful i didn't have what some others experienced from other blogs like bloating, upset stomach, and other grosser things like diarrhea or halitosis.   My wife did tell me i had bad breath even after I would brush my teeth and after drinking my juice, i wanted to brush my teeth because i had a weird feeling on my teeth but other than that I'm happy to report that it was a success.  

Friday - 3 juices
Saturday - 2 Juices (breakfast & dinner)
Sunday - 3 juices

I'm lost 4.5 lbs over the weekend and 6.2 total Inches overall.   The biggest loss for me was in my thigh measurements where I lost 2.8" next biggest losing is 1.5" in my waist.  I'm pretty stoked about these results.  My wife lost some inches overall as well and some weight (which i have been threaten to secrecy) and I do value my life!

My wife and I have decided to do replace 1 if not 2 meals a day with juice and trying to do at least 4-7 juices a week.  This is harder for me because you want to drink you juice within a few hours of making it and I go to work at 6:30 in the morning.  I think everyone in the house would be much happier if i don't run juicer at that time, but there's only one way to find out!  

I'm happy to report that my brother and I both held up to our end of the bet but i think it was much more difficult for my brother because he continued his Ironman training while only doing juice so his calorie burn vs calorie intake was a lot different than mine.

Next juicing challenge might be a 7 or 10 day but until that day, i'm happy to be back in the land of eating food!

I do find this funny but Saturday morning I decided to start watching Man V. Food Nation to try to reprogram my brain into not wanting food just because I see food.   I think it helped a little bit, and thankfully it didn't make me crave food at all.

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