Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fast Over - Family Sick - Fun long weekend

So my thoughts on the Juice Fast.   Not bad!  I know my wife didn't mind the juice but hated being hungry at night.  She did have to eat some food because we have all been sick at home and she had a prescription to take that required food.   I honestly don't think the fast was all that bad.  My daughter kept asking if i was hungry or wanted to share some of her food and I wasn't hungry at all.  

I am thankful i didn't have what some others experienced from other blogs like bloating, upset stomach, and other grosser things like diarrhea or halitosis.   My wife did tell me i had bad breath even after I would brush my teeth and after drinking my juice, i wanted to brush my teeth because i had a weird feeling on my teeth but other than that I'm happy to report that it was a success.  

Friday - 3 juices
Saturday - 2 Juices (breakfast & dinner)
Sunday - 3 juices

I'm lost 4.5 lbs over the weekend and 6.2 total Inches overall.   The biggest loss for me was in my thigh measurements where I lost 2.8" next biggest losing is 1.5" in my waist.  I'm pretty stoked about these results.  My wife lost some inches overall as well and some weight (which i have been threaten to secrecy) and I do value my life!

My wife and I have decided to do replace 1 if not 2 meals a day with juice and trying to do at least 4-7 juices a week.  This is harder for me because you want to drink you juice within a few hours of making it and I go to work at 6:30 in the morning.  I think everyone in the house would be much happier if i don't run juicer at that time, but there's only one way to find out!  

I'm happy to report that my brother and I both held up to our end of the bet but i think it was much more difficult for my brother because he continued his Ironman training while only doing juice so his calorie burn vs calorie intake was a lot different than mine.

Next juicing challenge might be a 7 or 10 day but until that day, i'm happy to be back in the land of eating food!

I do find this funny but Saturday morning I decided to start watching Man V. Food Nation to try to reprogram my brain into not wanting food just because I see food.   I think it helped a little bit, and thankfully it didn't make me crave food at all.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 3 of Juice Fast

10:15am post
Woke up hungry today finally.  I made an extra large juice with extra fruit in it.   It was so tasty.  I didn't realize how much the different fruit changes the taste.

Day 2 of juice Fast.....was Hell

First off the juice fast was fine.  Still not hungry. Stated off with breakfast juice and then spent day dropping car off at dealership, going to 4 urgent cares 3 were closed, spending 2 hours in urgent care with my wife to get no diagnosis, city market (where we got the same amount of fruit for 7.50 as we did at grocery store for $35.  

Then to home to take care of my daughter who didn't take a nap and my sick wife.

Hopefully Sunday is better

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 1 of Juice Detox Complete

To be honest I feel like i should be craving food but I'm not.   I had my breakfast juice this morning and around lunch i want hungry but made juice when my wife made hers.  I drank it and have felt content all day.  

I have had a carb headache this evening but decided to make a tart dinner juice because I'm not craving anything to eat and have absolutly no hungry pains.....thank you Lord!

Dinner juice:

2 lemons

1 orange

1 apple

2 celery stalks

1 carrot 

Handful of Broccoli 

3 handfuls of spinach 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 0 of diet.......No Beuno

Juicer will be here tomorrow and the store we went to was sold out so i didn't get one today.   We decided to do the much recommended day transition before juice fast.   We are on our way to buy all supplies for juice fast.   Ill update later with a photo of our take at store.

Updated jan 1st at night
So finally got a juicer but going shopping for organic food is difficult when the places I planed on going are closed for New Year's Day. 

Took on a Gentlemens Bet with brother about being on a 3 day fast. Loser gets to slap the other anytime without warning.
I won't be losing this bet and im assuming he won't either.

Tomorrow will be 1st day of juice only

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Step Count Goal for January

My goal in my original post was to average 5,000 steps a day for month of January.  Well My UP24 band told me that I averaged 5,830 steps per day for November and December which means I can't have my January Goal be lower previous achievements.

New Goal for January Steps are 6,500

Today is December 31st 2014 – New Years Eve

I started off by waking up at 5:50am to my 3 year old daughter cuddled up next to me in my bed.   This was funny to me because I don’t remember her coming in my room last night nor do I remember giving her permission to take 80% of my side of the bed but she did anyways.  I then got up, took dogs outside, and went and started my car in the 3 degree weather (-7 wind-chill).   

This morning I decided to go out with a bang…..which is a stupid horrible idea when you’re about to start any diet but I started this blog to be accountable so that’s what I’m doing.  Today is the last day I’m going to eat CRAP food for hopefully a long time (trying to be realistic).   I woke up with an upset stomach and know it’s from eating Sonic’s Blast last night while out with my family seeing the Christmas lights before they were taking down.   Whenever my stomach is upset in the morning I’ve always turned to a greasy food to ease and settle it which is a bad idea….it works…..but nevertheless a bad idea.   I realize that my car needs gas so I stop to buy gas at $1.83 (putting this in because I hope to reference these prices in a year stating that’s high) and while cars filling up I run in and get a Dr. Pepper, Red Baron Mini Pizza, and 2 Taquitos.  Now I know what you’re thinking this is a horrible idea because you’re about to start a juice fast and your body is going to hate you……well when I’m complaining about how I feel this weekend feel free to refer me back to this post.  I eat my breakfast and go on my Merry way.

So my thought process to going out with a Bang……..I’m going to have Chipotle with my brother today which is one of...if not my favorite restaurant/fast food/5 star gourmet… Farm to Fork food out there and for many years I have lived on this place eating up to 13 times in 1 week.   Did I mention I have a mildly addicting personality and I’m loyal to the places that treat me right?   I know that this food has a lot of calories especially when I get a 13” tortilla on the side, double rice, both beans, and ½ chicken ½ steaks, but after today I will drastically cut down my portions, add in bottom layer of shredded lettuce and cut out the extra 300 calorie tortillas while on my weight loss kick.  Tonight we are hosting a New Year’s Eve party with sleepover optional for families with kiddos.   We will be dining on the finest and highest quality junk food including: Pizza Rolls, Little Smokies, Chips & Dip, Popcorn, Soda, and whatever other bad food people decide to bring. 
My Chipotle Name - Based of what I eat

At midnight though I’m going cold turkey, nothing but water and juice which is honestly a little frightening to me but I like to push myself and everything I do to the limits.  Something I learned from my Older “Not Big” Brother who is 6 years older than me but who accomplished his first Ironman 70.3 within the first year of training and very few 5k’s under his belt.  He had a goal and a vision for what he wants to accomplish and he sets out and does it, even if this means getting up with kids around 6-7ish working a full day, spending evenings with family and then going to gym from 11pm-2am every night.   He’s always been motivated and focused but this training took his training to a whole new level.  I’m proud to watch him set a goal, accomplish it, set a higher goal, and crush it. 

Check out his blog -- Journey of a Future Ironman

Me before End of the World Pub Crawl - Did for Brother's birthday

We both have always been….just a little….competitive but have always been in different arenas or playing fields when it came to competing.   He’s a natural athletic and did a bunch of crazy impressive stuff from high school to now, even trying out for Olympics.   He wanted to become a professional poker player and even tried to map out time requirements and money to accomplish this but living in Kansas City, Missouri it’s a hard goal to accomplish with very few casinos around and not a large starting capital to work with.   I’m a natural tech savvy person which works well with me being in Information Technology field.  I push Video games, Media Servers, and anything I’m interested to the extreme (reference 1st post for mildly addicting personality).

End of the World Pub Crawl - My Brother and I Survived

We work well together but seeing him crushing these goals and him always encouraging me to sign up for Tough Mudder (5k) Zombie Run (5k) or Kansas City Marathon (26.2), I say no because it’s not a realistic goal.   Now I do admit people there are people who are not in good shape that do these all the time, even if it’s just walking or pushing a stroller for a good cause. If I sign up for an event and run with my brother then this means we will have to demolish everyone else and push ourselves and bodies to the limits.   I’m not looking to take first place but to have fun and beat our personal goals every time we do these types of events.  I want to make sure that during the zombie run I don’t die, and during tough mudder I’m not exhausted, out of breath, and the person who is using the bypass on obstacles.   

I’m choosing to do this diet and lifestyle change for my family.  My wife and I both want to get healthier and I want to be able to be more active with my daughter outside, to accept challenges I never thought possible and to go to events that I normally wouldn't have been exposed to because of my lifestyle changes.   I joined the Jeep community a few years ago when I bought a 96 Jeep Cherokee (XJ) and rebuilt it, lifted it, wrecked it, rebuilt it, relifted it even bigger and since then I've been able to take part in some great charity events, some great offroading events, and some great meet and greets events with new friends that have embrace people who have a passion for Jeeps.    I want that community experience with new passions of highly active people wither its team sports, events, or fundraisers because we can now participate (donating time) and not just donate money.  


These are my thoughts and ideas and if you have any advice for what lies ahead of me please feel free to post in the comments.   My next post will be next year and I’ll be on my Juice Fast! Je was